There are so many web sites out there that it has literally become overwhelming when it comes to finding the reputable and effective dental directory. When Findadentist.com launched in 2003 there were not too many dental directories on the web. Our only real competition at the time was the 800 pound gorilla - 1-800-Dentist owned by Futuredontics. Today there are several dental directories to choose from and of course there are a places like SuperPages, Google and Yahoo Local that you cannot ignore if you are a dentist or a consumer look for a new dentist.
Findadentist.com is so successful because we get so much type in traffic, strong search engine placement and we have been around since 2003. Many people verbally recommend our site and hundreds of web sites recommend our directory to people looking for a new dentist. However, it is not enough to just have your practice listed in one place or in just one directory. What is amazing to me is that dentists, just 8 years ago, spent an average of $12,000 a year in the yellow pages of phone books. Yes, I said "AVERAGE" Most dentists were paying more and getting little or no results. What is amazing to me today is that if you tell a dentist he or she should spend $1,000 a year on a web site directory, most looking at you like you are crazy!
I am going to say it today. Live on the web. Dentists are smart people but most are horrible business owners. Which is totally fine with me, because I want a smart person working on my teeth, not a sales person. What I cannot figure out is how the yellow pages sales people convinced over 100,000 dentists that they needed to be in the phone book yet I cannot convince a few thousand that they need to be in every dental directory on the web.
Here are a few reputable dental directories that you should consider if you are a dentist or a patient looking for a dentist.