In today's world, image can indeed be everything. Yet laser teeth whitening isn't just about frivolous aesthetics. Those who suffer from significant teeth discoloration can find their own smile unnerving. An otherwise attractive and confident person may be distracted by unsightly blemishes. For those who seek to address the problem, a number of options are available with increasing degrees of effectiveness. Whitening strips are advertised most frequently, and gel can seem like a convenient alternative. But by far the most long-lasting option, and coincidentally the most expensive, is laser teeth whitening.
This procedure involves a single doctor's visit. The dentist applies to the teeth a special gel containing the active whitening agent. The laser itself merely heats the gel which removes most forms of discoloration. The process usually takes around an hour to complete, and results are immediate. For most patients, the difference is dramatic.
Some may experience soreness in the gums after the procedure, but the feeling should pass quickly. If you believe you may be particularly sensitive to the active agents, talk to your dentist about the risks. Laser teeth whitening may not be enough for prospective patients with severe discoloration, so crowns or implants might be the best solution.
This site presents a comprehensive FAQ on laser teeth whitening which should be of interest to any prospective patient. Doing your homework before such a procedure is essential, so check out these reviews provided by Animated Teeth. The site also compares the laser method with at-home alternatives, so those with only minor teeth discolorations may want to consider a less expensive option.
This website presents a wealth of review information for a number of teeth whitening products and procedures, including the laser method. Individual companies in the business are profiled, and you can read the experiences of other patients who can offer advice for your particular situation. There's also data on many of the teeth whitening scams out there. Read the available FAQ, rate your own experience, and check out the message board for relevant discussion.
Doc Shop has a well-rounded information page on the laser teeth whitening process. This site can help set your expectations about the procedure, as well as the costs and expenses involved. Talk to your dentist for specifics and to root out any hidden fees. Also, if you're looking for a specific practice in your area that offers the procedure, you can search a Google Maps-enabled applet for a dentist to talk to.

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