First Show Experience a Success for

Medford MA - October 10, 2004, a highly popular internet dental directory, made their first venture into the world of dental shows in Orlando this past week, despite the threat of hurricanes. While the 145th American Dental Association Annual Session experienced no natural disasters, attendance for the show was down due to the weather-scare. However, the show proved to be a great success for
From Thursday to Sunday, FindaDentist joined over 700 exhibitors as they filled the halls of the Orange County Convention Center and promoted their products and services to over 30,000 dentists, hygienists, office managers and dental assistants.
Many dentists were interested in the company, as a reasonable and cost-effective alternative to a few of the other high profile dental directories. The trip for the Boston based company resulted in both business generation and potential networking relationships as well.
"I'm very happy to have our first experience at a dental show here in Orlando", say Brian Benko, CEO and Founder of "Our sales staff was out there, pushing our product with energy and enthusiasm, and it gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of the major players in the dental industry."
Benko says the reason for beginning to market themselves at Dental Shows is because the medical industries are further behind other businesses when it comes to the web. "We have a long road ahead of us since so many dental offices are not yet on the internet. It feels like 1997 all over again when I was getting the major retailers to build sites to sell their services on the web. The medical industry as a whole is way behind the curve when it comes to leveraging the internet. Our goal is to play a part in getting the dental community up to speed by helping them capture a percentage of the 40 million users that search online for a dentist each year".
Because of the positive experience in Orlando, has registered for future shows, including the increasingly popular Chicago Dental Society show in February and the California Dental Society Show in Anaheim, CA in May.
Medford MA - October 10, 2004

The Dentist's Diplomat
This is an instructive summary of the qualifications and the duties of the present day Dental Assistant -- The Diplomat standing between the dentist and lost income. | read more |

Press Releases
- Learn How to Smile Again
- For immediate release
- 1st Anniversary Exhibition a Gift for
- Website Brings Patients and Doctors Together
- Dental show #4 proved to be's most successful show yet
- The Windy City Welcomes With Open Arms
- Goes Home for Show #2
- New Partnership for Encourages Brite Future for Dentists and Patients
- First Show Experience a Success for
- Internet Dental Partnership Promises Ease for Patients and Powerhouse Exposure For Dentists
- Website Launches To Ease Trouble of Finding New Dentist
- "Dental Phobia" - Are you afraid of the dentist
- Dental Office Design
- History of Teeth whitening and teeth bleaching
- Dental Code of Ethics
- Classification And Descriptive Anatomy Of The Teeth.